Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On vacation from Bloggerland

Sorry folks, I have been on a little vacation from Bloggerland. Though it's hard to call it a "vacation" the way my nerves are all up in a knot. But still, I must admit I've been rendevousing in another place lately and it's severely cut into my blog time. I've been in Election World. Last week we made a stop off at the DNC. It was a very feel good place to visit. But this week we are at RNC and of course, you know, I have to say this feels alot more like home! So, sorry if you tuned in hoping for an adoption update and all you're getting is my take on how freakin' amazing the GOP ticket is this time... I mean, this is the dream team! But it's history in the making and I want to record it for my daughter. I mean, think of this, if McCain/Palin win this election, PALIN will be the incumbent presidential candidate in either four or eight years. A WOMAN on the top of the ticket, almost by default. That is something that I would love to see in my lifetime! This is your fair warning... it's getting ready to get seriously one sided in here and if you can't take the heat or don't care about my opinion... PLEASE stop reading now before your image of me plummets!
So, excuse me while I get all fired up here, but I just got booted off the TV and now all these psyched up emotions have to go somewhere.... here are the top five reasons I'm voting for McCain/Palin:
1) Most important, in my opinion, is that the next president will most likely appoint at least one (probably two) supreme court justices. If you ever were serious about being pro-life, this is your chance to really put your money where your mouth is. It's most likely my generation's last shot at righting the wrong of Roe v. Wade. Think about it, once these two justices are replaced, the court is fairly young (it's a lifetime appointment) and the scales will tip liberal or conservative with THIS presidency. There is no turning back from the coming appointments and this is our shot! Imagine a world where it's not a Constitutional RIGHT to kill an unborn baby, but rather a decision that each state can make for it's own residents. (And don't give me all the BS scenarios about days when abortion was illegal and women were forced into back allies. You could make that argument about every criminal in the history of time being forced to commit their crime in secrecy because their chosen evil was illegal. How 'bout we go ahead and legalize heroine so addicts don't have to hang in crack houses with dirty needles. K? K!) And also don't give me the one about there being some things worse than death. If you're going to use that standard to support abortion, I can pretty much guarantee you would have chosen death for three of my four children, after all, they were born into a struggling country, to parents who were less than ideal in the parenting field, and left in institutions that couldn't fulfill their most basic needs. Their chances at a "normal" life were VERY slim statistically and the chance that they would escape the cycle that put them there in the first place was even more grim... so by the "some things are worse than death" scenario, my kiddos wouldn't be here and that is pretty much saying God is limited in how far down He can redeem someone. Now that we're clear on my pro-life stance, let's move on before I get militant.
2) Fred Thompson nailed it when he summed up the Obama tax plan. Obama keeps saying he's not going to tax the average American, just the wealthy and businesses. As Thompson said, "Okay, this will only affect you if you happen to buy something from a business like gas, clothes or groceries." Come on people, Democrats are supposed to be the "enlightened ones" (you know you all say it behind our backs) but this is very simple economics! You can do the math... stay with me here!
3) McCain is an American hero. When's the last time we had one of those in the White House? Seriously, when did you ever, in our time, see a guy that you could just get fired up about how much he gave for our country? This guys spent YEARS in a POW camp and when he was coming back from being tortured by the Vietnamese, he would give the thumbs up to the other POWs as he passed their cells to encourage them on their way too. Talk about moral character... tested, proven! McCain speaks from conviction and there are plenty of things he's said that are less than popular with Republicans. This is why I loved him in 2000, why I loved him in the primaries and why I'm diverting adoption blog space to talk about him now. You may not agree with him, but you have to respect his moral character.
4) Obama scares me. I know that there are alot of people who don't want to answer or don't know how to answer the question about Obama sitting under a pastor like Jeremiah Wright for 20 years. I have yet to hear an intelligible argument for why he thought that was a good idea, unless he agrees with his radical views. Here you have a guy that believes the AIDS virus was created by the government to implant in the black population and he is fervently convicted that we brought 9/11 on ourselves and went so far as to damn our country. People want to say that maybe these are just a few and infrequent sermon series and that on an average Sunday, he was a "normal" pastor. Folks, you aren't that on fire about something and not be spewing it all the time. When you are passionately convicted about something, you LIVE it, you BREATHE it, and you better believe you're talking about it if you have a captive audience. A very very dear friend of mine pointed out to me that if Obama really embraced Wright's teachings, he would undoubtedly show signs of the same level of crazed thinking. However, I also really believe that when you are as smooth and polished as the past few Dem candidates we've seen, you rarely make a misstep. I leave you with Bill and Hill for prime examples, everything they do (down to the last tear and hand-hold) or say is calculated for dramatic affect. Obama is no less a politician than the HillBills and no less eloquent and driven, and I firmly believe anti-American thinking could be well smothered under the layers. At the very least, he's been exposed to dangerously radical thinking from someone he considers a mentor.
5) COME ON.... WHERE is the adoption community here? People, RISE UP! An International Adoptee in the White House? Do you really think we would need to spread around these e-mails asking people to call their Senators to support making the tax credit permanent if the first daughter was an international adoptee? Just as Sarah Palin promised that every family with a special needs child would have a friend in the White House, so will every International Adoptee!

And here's a bonus #6 reason to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket... because I'm one of those "small town" people who "bitterly cling to my guns and my religion"!

Okay, now, Meg Update.... breaking news! I'm NOT taking her back to MDO. I spent the last two days trying to undo the affects of the classroom environment and that was with me sitting with her. To the average eye, this would not probably even look like a problem. She hasn't been scratching or hitting or any of that, but she has been more sensitive and more clingy and she has been just generally sorting things out. I think it's spooked her. Today we were at the Y playing in Kids Gym with Connor and a well-meaning staffer picked her up to show her something and she just about totally lost it! So, I'm taking my mom's advice. I'm hiring a housekeeper, spending the time with Meg, and cob-webs be darned... hopefully the social worker will not bring her white gloves when she comes to do our post placement visit. :)

I'm reading a book right now called "The Lost Daughters of China." It's fascinating! And it has me thinking ALOT about Meg's birth mother, wherever she is in Russia or Uzbekistan. I am saving it for a separate post, but wanted to share the book title because it's a very thought-provoking look at the abandonment of children, especially in China, and the circumstances that surround it and how some parents are left with very little choice. I'll start to recommend it to all those well-meaning folks who judge my kids' birthmoms and say, "I could never abandon my child." We live such a life of unparalelled choices and freedoms and wealth that most of us really can't imagine situations where we would abandon a child, but that's because fortune smiled on us and bore us into the Land of the Free!

Deuteronomy 11:19
"Teach these things to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."


Barb said...

Wow. That was awesome. Not being American, I can't vote, but I think you summed things up very nicely:)

findingourdaughter said...

I'm a very old fashioned southern gal, I think we can trust a man who faught for our country and never gave up/in as a POW and I think we can trust ONE OF OUR OWN...a hockey mom (aka in the south, soccer/baseball mom) who has 5 kids and is not hung up on herself or her position. So what her kids are not attending Harvard or Princeton (mine aren't either, LOL).......she is more mainstream USA......like the rest of us.
Meg is absolutely gorgeous! She'll find her way in this life....she has a great mom and family helping her to work it all out!
God bless,

hthr said...

I am LOVING your moms suggestion of hiring a housekeeper in exchange for the MDO tuition!! Glad you will get some extra one-on-one time with her and then come home to a clean house! Awesome!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Agree with all you wrote! and glad to hear about your decision on MDO!

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

AMEN, Sister!!!

I also just have to say Meg is such a beautiful child! You have an awesome family! We gave up MDO after our third child and we gave up preschool after our fourth, but that's just what worked for us. It sounds like you are doing the very best for your family. Once again, your mom has provided excellent advice.

Lindsay said...

'Abandon' is such a judgement laden word. I hate it being used in the context of my daughter and her adoption, and am constantly stunned by how many people want to condem Hannah's BM for 'abandoning her' without them having any knoweldge or understanding of the depth of problems faced by the Roma community. (Comments that are normally accompanied by a firm declaration of how the speaker could never do such a thing. Here's hoping they never find themselves in such a situation where that is the sacrifice they must make for their child).
Hannah's first mother did not - as far as I am concerned - abandon her. I hate even more being asked if I know why her BM 'did not want her'. I tend to get snippy with that - there's a heck of a difference between 'not wanting' and putting your child's best interests first.

Susan said...

Love your thoughts on McCain/Pallin. McCain was my senator when I lived in AZ for 29 years so it's a no brainer for me to vote for him. I think he has a moral compass that many of our policticians of late have been lacking.

I agree with you on the MDO thing. Stay with Meg yourself. Right now I see my girlfriends lunch with other friends and enjoy free time but I don't get that right now, especially with Randy overseas. But this is the choice we made, for me to quit work and stay home with Artem. I don't really feel like it's a sacrifice since it's what we chose. There will be time later on to hang out with girlfriends and clean the tops of my ceiling fan blades. Right now I just keep the fans on all the time so they don't slow down enough for everyone to see the dust on top of them.

My inlaws were here for a week and they had so much fun with Artem. They did a lot for me so I could have a little break but I noticed after a few days that Artem needed me back again and was acting out in new ways and would cry over anything until he could get back with me again. Inlaws kept saying it was his schedule being off but I knew in my heart he wanted me back. He needed me back. As much as it was nice to use the toilet with the door closed, I knew that Artem couldn't take that distance from me and I'm sure that was what Meg was feeling with the MDO program.

Hire the maid, keep the ceiling fans spinning at all times and soak up all the time you can with Meg.

I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?