Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Friday, January 25, 2008

Blue in a Sea of Pink

Well, it's not the best day on the adoption road. I should have known when Connor picked up our spiritual vitamin at the Y today that it was a sign of God's insisting on some of that perserverance I spoke of (see the scripture at the bottom of the entry.) Of course, I know in my head that there are bound to be these days. Things never go as planned in an international adoption, and how many times I have counseled families that two weeks here or there isn't really catastrophic in the grand scheme of life. But sitting here it sure feels like two weeks is a long time. The agency did not get our dossier translated in time to be registered on Monday. I am not sure what the hold up was. Truthfully, who knows, it could be as simple as there is another dossier to go to St. Pete and it's more efficient for their staff to process bulk numbers than singles, that's not unlikely, actually. Whatever the reason, we will now be registered in St. Petersburg on February 11, barring any more unforeseen delays. In the meantime, this feels excruciatingly slow. It's so hard for me to be an "outsider" in the process. I am accustomed to having access to the Russian staff directly, so this is out of my comfort zone. Can you say... "control issues!" Anyway, that's the latest. So, no more counting down until January 28... now the countdown is on to February 11. I don't like living for a date... my bad mood is in danger of becoming chronic at this point. UGH!

Couple that with a little disciplinary issue with Liam at school today, Brian is out of town, Connor wet his pants today... three times, and you have for one not so terrific day in the life of a mom. But, I am NOT complaining. My friend Melanie is on her way to the funeral of a 17 month old little girl who lost her battle with a heart condition on Wednesday, so even in the midst of all these minor annoyances, I am overly and abundantly blessed. The mom of the little girl amazed me with her faith and I am sure she inspired many who walked the journey with her. The morning after she held her daughter into heaven, she had the strength to write an e-mail about how blessed she is. So if she can endure that, who am I to complain about a few little hiccups in a day filled with blessings!

"Be strong and courageous... for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

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