Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Monday, January 28, 2008

A little perspective...

Time always gives a little perspective. Knowing God's timing is perfect and agreeing with Him are two totally different things! But the weekend gave me some perspective and I realize that the timing of the delayed registration is actually probably better. Our friends the Hollis' are paper ready, so now there's a chance that their dossier could go with ours. If that happens, then we will most likely travel together... what a BLESSING! The earliest we would travel at this point would be the beginning of March for the first trip, which puts the second trip somewhere closer to warm weather, even if not in the summer. I swore I would never return to Russia in the winter again, and God seems to be agreeing with me! :) And, really, spring break would be so much more convenient for everyone who's helping with the boys, so we might just luck into those dates at this point. Too much later though, and we start getting into Jack's first communion and golf trips, so let's keep our fingers crossed that this is the last delay. Just rambling on here... wishing there was something substantial to tell you, but it's therapeutic to spill it. Thanks for walking this with us!

"Grace to you and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you." Philippians 1:1-3

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