Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Nobody Told Me? Not exactly....

Okay, maybe you've notice that my new "theme song" for the blog is "Nobody told me there'd be days like these."... strange days indeed. The truth is, people did sorta tell me, or at least they tried to. But, as is typical for me, I didn't listen. Or more likely I just thought I was above it all, like somehow, I'm different. Anyway, duh, here I am in the middle of strange land. What makes it strange? Glad you asked! The most amazingly strange thing is that I (me, Ondrea, moi) am the person who is making the rules (sort of), I am the one responsible for keeping these four little people safe. I am the "responsible" one in this scenario (I mean, not counting Brian, he's definitely more responsible than me. He even remembers to make the coffee the NIGHT BEFORE so that it's waiting for us when we get up. I always procrastinate when he is out of town and then regret it when I have to wake up to no coffee, but that's a whole other post.) Anyway, that is definitely strange that here I am, with four kids, actually doing stuff like chairing the PTO at our school and being involved in change in our neighborhood and taking baby gifts and getting food delivered to me from alot of good Southern women because I have a new baby. This is stuff that's supposed to happen to grown ups! I mean, did you catch that? I have FOUR kids! I have FOUR KIDS! I HAVE FOUR KIDS! Aaaaggggghhhhhh!

Being Catholic, we know our fair share of folks who have four kids (and five and six for that matter.) But I can't believe I am old enough to have four kids. I mean, here I am living this thing that I wanted for SO long in my life. I am in the midst of my dream. This is surreal and oh so real at the same time. I am over-gifted from God. I love that term, "over gifted", it's from my friend Marina who was trying to tell us that we had brought her too many gifts when we made our second trip to Russia. The truth is, I am just drowning in this blessing and basking in it all at the same time. I am so very over the top happy to have all my kiddos home at last and putting their feet under one table. As far as I know, I don't have to worry about or think about one not being loved or cared for anymore. I don't have to wonder where in the world one is. I don't have to long for or feel that empty spot any more. I am so overjoyed and THANKFUL beyond belief for the promise God has fulfilled. I am just in absolute awe and wonder at what He can do with so little as what He had to work with when He and I started out on this journey to me being a mommy.

I am also drowning in the blessing too. I mean, I do have those moments (mostly in the mornings before 8 when Meg is up and I am too, though I would rather not be, and no one else is awake yet) where I wonder how in the world I am going to get through the next 11 hours until it's time to start the bedtime routine. But I have awesome kids. And the day is never quite as bad or as tiring as I imagine it will be. Well, actually, sometimes it is as bad and as tiring, but not usually. And even so, it's all part of the ride. It's what earns us moms our special stripes on the sleeve of our secret jackets. It's what gets us the extra stars in our crown. It's what makes our kids really want us when times get really tough, for the rest of our lives, most of us want our moms (all things being equal) when the going gets really really tough. I mean, there are times when things are SO bad that the only person you can really call is your mom. And that's because of all the crap your mom did for you when you were little. And I keep reminding myself of that because I am doing alot of crap right now. Both figuratively and literally! :)

Anyway, this post is basically to say that I am still in the middle of transition land, but the clouds have thinned out a little. It's not storming cats and dogs now, it's just a light drizzle. Most of my neighbors might tell you that I'm returning somewhat to normal, life is looking a little less squeezed over here. The house is looking worse than ever, but we do open the blinds now at least! :) Everyone is adjusting, including me (I'm always the first to advocate change and the last to embrace it.) Anyway, things on the sleep side have gotten better since we switched to the crib. Dangit, I just hate it when my mother-in-law is right. She gently suggested to me on the first day we were home that I might consider getting the crib down and saving the little pink bed (the TO DIE FOR PINK PRINCESS BED... remember?) for later. "Oh no," I replied, "She was already in a toddler bed in the orphanage and I have all this bedding (spoken like first time girl mother) and it's so cute and I just HAVE to use the pink bed RIGHT NOW!" (Seriously, didn't I already have three kids who I begged to sleep in a crib until they were 16... WHAT WAS I THINKING?) Anyway, dangit, she's always right! Seriously, she is always right and for some reason after 14 years of knowing this woman, I always think "this time I'm right" and always have to eventually end up saying, "You were right, I should have listened." Oh well, good thing I hadn't sold the crib (yeah, right, like that's gonna happen) and anyway, the pink bed is still in the room, only now it has all her dolls and stuffed animals in it. She will still sleep in it, but she will probably be three!

Oh, and by the way, just to prove I am a crazed, drowning mother of four, yesterday I drove to our beloved Dr. Heil's office (in BELLEVUE!) only to find out that her appointment is NEXT MONDAY! UGH! Imagine my frustration! For those of you who are not from Nashville, I drive about 45 minutes to the pediatrician because I am absolutely certain there is not another doctor in the entire world as wonderful and smart and Godly and all around perfect as Dr. Paul Heil and we are so lucky that he is a short 45 minutes away, how could I not drive over there. Besides, my kids are so worth it! Anyway, I drove all that way, walked in with her in her adorable smocked bubble and pink shoes and the receptionist says, "Honey, you guys are on the schedule for next Monday. I would fit you in but we don't have your chart here from the business office yet." Oh well...

Psalm 67:1
"God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us-"


Joe and Renae said...

Ondrea you are so funny! I get such a kick out of reading your blogs.

It's funny you brought the crib thing up, I was wondering whether I would skip the crib and go on to the bed or not....I'm going to listen to the MIL also....the crib it is!!! ha-ha

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Thanks for talking about the crib. I guess I know what I need to do now... Since we were expecting to adopt a three year old, we have a beautiful white wicker bedroom set with a queen size bed all made up. The boys' crib is in about 50 pieces in our storage closet. (At least it is white.) As soon as we found out we'd be bringing home a baby, my 5 year old said "Yea, we get to use the crib!" I've been secretly wondering if that would REALLY be necessary. Looks like one more thing to add to the honey-do list!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I can sooo relate to your posts! There have been times I have thought of cutting and pasting them into my blog or saving them for later when I get my 4th little one home....

It truly was raining cats and dogs at my house this morning! I took one cat, two dogs and three kids to the veterinarian (hubby is out of town). Honestly...what was I thinking?????!!!

Crazy. People just look at you and move aside. So funny. There I was with dogs pulling children, my three year old trying to haul the cat carrier and me trying to keep everyone in a somewhat manageable blob.

One thing is for sure and I know you know this as well....there is NEVER a dull moment. Everyone is happiest when there is screaming and the dogs are running through the house barking!

And what was the veterinarian thinking making me wait 30 minutes!!! I bet they were in the back room laughing at the crazy lady with all the kids and animals! It is funny now that I am home and reflecting....but it wasn't then!

I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?