Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Secret!

Okay, I know "The Secret" is some book Oprah loves... but the REAL SECRET is what I found yesterday... and it's how to get Meg to sleep in her crib without me spending an hour in her room sitting on the floor pretending not to look at her. You just plop her in the crib, walk out of the room and LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN! Yep! That was the key. And how did I discover this? Well, I did the rocking, singing, sitting on the floor thing and then Connor poked his head in the door:
Connor: Will you sleep with me?
Mom: Not right now buddy, I'm putting Meg to sleep. Ask Daddy.
Connor: I did, he said, "No!"
Mom: Okay, I'll come in there for a minute, but if she cries, I have to come back in here.
Connor: Okay!

I walk out, leave the door open, tell her I'll be back, and go to Connor's room. No crying, not a peep, just rolled over and went to sleep. Fluke? Maybe, so I try it again today at nap, read, sing, into bed, door open. Not a peep! Wow! Okay, again tonight at bedtime, no crying. I think we've found the solution. I should have clued in when she made me shower with the door open. She hates closed doors, I can't even walk into the bathroom with the door closed because she freaks out no matter what. So, now, we do the bedtime routine, wait for her to go to sleep and then close the door. I'm liberated! :)

Here's a photo from the week... because I know you're dying to see one! hehehe


Becky and Keith said...

When you figure out the "Secret" for Mama not feeling like she's been over by a mac truck, PLEASE let me know! :-) Seriously, I'm so glad she is going to sleep on her own and I think it's so sweet that the boys still want their mama! :-)

Nicole said...

I love all of the secret tips!I am taking notes and cannot wait to use them!

Carol said...

Cutie, that's what she is, figuring out the secret didn't take long congratulations! Thanks for the post, things are going great here, we get to leave a day early too. Learning the isms are great. talk to you soon.

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

I love the "Hollywood" picture! :)That's great that you figured out what would help her go to sleep! We need to try that suggestion when S doesn't want to go to sleep! :)

Thanks for your comment on our blog about the feeding studies. We are trying to incorporate all of their suggestions, and many of them are helping. Adding crackers to soft solids makes a huge difference-it's such an easy thing to do, too! I may email you as we have more questions! Thanks so much for offering to help!

Joe and Renae said...

I'm glad you discovered the "Secret" so you may be lucky enough to get some sleep of your own. Doesn't it feel GREAT though to be so wanted by your children?!
Love Meg's glasses!

I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?