Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So close now!

Okay, today was a day of waiting and waiting and waiting. It started like this, we were met at 11:30 by our translator and a new driver. They took us to the passport office to apply for Meg's Russian Passport. We were told yesterday that the passport would be ready only after 4 PM tomorrow, so we booked flights to go back to Moscow tomorrow night. Then today at 12:30, we are in the passport office and lo and behold, Nina waves her magic wand, and the passports will be ready today at 5 PM. Okay, let's do business... so, we go to Papa John's for lunch. This is the first thing that has tasted exactly like it "should". We sit around basically for three hours (George and Bill, you would have loved it) doing NOTHING waiting to pick up the passport. Then the translator takes the passport, puts it into her little plastic folder and won't give it to me. I asked, "Can I have it." She said, "No, we have to wait for Nina to get here. I will give it to her and she will give it to you. This is how it works." Okee Dokee. So, when Nina gets there, Oksana hands her the passport and Nina hands it to me. But then I have to hand it back because she still has to go make copies. I tell you what, these folks have this down to a science. For as much as it's an art in the US, it's a science here and they are very good scientists. They run these things like a clock.

There are no photos from today. This may be the first time in history I have been away from home and gone a whole day without one photo. But there was really nothing to photograph, just us sitting around. Jack would have hated this day, it's his worst nightmare. Alot of doing nothing, but big stuff happening all at the same time.

Brian and I went back to the restaurant where we ate last night, The Other Side Gastro Bar and Grill. That's really the name. Yummy mushrooms and sandwiches.

Tomorrow we will be picked up at 8:30. We will head straight to the baby home and spring Meg from the compound. Amie and Kendra, I don't know who's dress this was she's leaving in tomorrow, but it's a Baby Lulu from one of you! So cute! I'll be sure to have tons of photos of that!

Anyway, our flight leaves for Moscow at 2:00 tomorrow and we will be there by 3:30. We are to go straight to the CSS office in Moscow where we will collect our file for the Embassy. The Moscow folks are just awesome. They really have it all together. I love these ladies already and I haven't even met them!

Next post, Moscow!

"He set me free in the open; He rescued me because He loves me!"


Lindsay said...

I'm so envious you got your passport so easily! I'm making trip number 4 tomorrow to try and just get the paperwork submitted (I love bureaucracy)!

I hope everything goes well in the morning, and I'm praying for you all that your daughter has an easy transition.

Nicole said...

I cannot wait to hear about your first day together as a family!

Beth said...

Can't wait to see pictures of Meg in her dress as she leaves the baby home! Safe travels to Moscow!

Patrick & Jessica Wunsch said...


We are so happy for you and Brian. Your stories really bring back a lot of memories for us from 8 months ago! Be sure to bug Oksana for her mother's borsht recipe one more time. Have a greta time in Moscow.

I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?