Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

WHAT?! was I thinking????

Every seasoned mother knows that kids are like little pit vipers, they can smell it when you think you have victory and that's when they move in for the kill. Every mom knows NEVER to tout a success or say they think they have it under control... NEVER EVER do you do that because that's when the little monsters will pull the ace out of the hole and knock you off your feet... so, yep, that's what Meg did. She gave me a few good nights with the door open, just to lull me into that sense of success. She let me believe I knew a thing or two, ONLY to completely change the rules on me. UGH! It's worse than ever. She decided that the door open stuff wasn't enough, she simply MUST have ME (no one else, just me) standing or sitting in the room with her. That would be fine and dandy if she would just lay down and go to sleep, but when I am in there, she's being all coy and trying to make me laugh and get my attention. Anyway, it's what I get. Four kids into this thing I knew better. Every time I say "never" or "not me", that's when the kids punch me right in the gut and make me eat my words... motherhood is a humbling profession isn't it? God has a great sense of humor, that's for sure.


Aaron & Dana Craven said...

I totally understand what you mean, just when you think you have a routine figured out they change it on you. I was told by a friend to know that things always change with kids and to not get frustrated with this. When Kaden first came home I would think I had everything figured out and then he would change it on me. I guess this is their way of keeping us on our toes!

Carey and Norman said...

Your daughter is beautiful. I've gotten behind on blog reading for many months now, but I wanted to check in to see how you were doing. Your family is beautiful and I'm glad you are settling into life as a family of four.

Many blessings!

I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?