Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sorry for the delay, but things are a bit busy!

Okay, blog stalkers! I know you have been trying very nicely to give me some space as our family adjusts, but I know I have a responsibility to keep the torch going, so here goes, a 50,000 foot fly by of the first two weeks at home with a little girl among all the princes.

She is warming up very nicely to Daddy, which was our number one prayer every night. Now she reaches for him, lets him pick her up for short periods of time, plays with him, eats with him, and actually gave him a kiss tonight. Big big progress in two weeks time.

She likes the pool, which is a good thing for a swim team family. She will go pretty much anywhere if I am holding her, but will play on the step alone with her toys for short periods of time now.

She has adjusted to all the little girls in our neighborhood who want to hold her and talk to her all the time. At first, she was very scared of them, now she gives high fives, waves, and smiles at them.

Whenever a car drives down our street and we are in the yard she says, "Hi!" and waves her little hand.

There are too many new words in English to count them all, but the big ones are Concon (short for Connor, big brother), Hi, Thank You (something close), Love you, Bye Bye (and she interchanges it with Paka from time to time too), Night Night and Yum Yum Yum (which she says after almost every bite of anything.

She is sleeping later in the mornings, somewhere between 6:15 and 6:45 is the norm. She is getting harder to put to sleep. She doesn't cry, which I am very thankful for, but I have to lay with her or rub her hair until she gets to sleep and that takes the better part of an hour now where it used to take only about 30 minutes. She stays in her bed though, and doesn't get out until someone comes for her, which is very nice.

The boys are adjusting pretty well. I really couldn't ask for any better from any of them. Jack and Meg have formed a mutually ga ga relationship. She lets him wag her all over the house and play with her alot. She is really having fun with Connor alot too. I tried to get a photo of them both on the electric Harley tonight, but she bailed off before I got the camera, he never stopped, he just kept moving and she rolled into the grass. She's a tough cookie! :)

We've learned alot about parenting girls in the past two weeks, but we still have SO much to learn. Wow, are they different from boys! One thing that we learned about our girl in particular is that she does NOT like to be naked.... EVER! I mean, when I am changing her diaper, or getting her ready for bed, she cries until there is some article of clothing on her. We figured out that if we put her in the bathtub in her bikini bottom, she will play forever. The minute I take it off (because the part that it covers is the most in need of some soap and water), she freaks out. I can even wash her hair and pour water to rinse her head without too much protest, but take off those bottoms and buddy bar the door!

So, that's the first two weeks' highlights. Sorry I have been so dilinquent in writing. It's not that I can't check e-mail or look at other blogs, it's that she wants to sit in my lap and bang on the keyboard so I can't exactly respond or write when she is awake. By the time she has gone to bed, I've usually collapsed, but it's Friday night and I refused to get in bed before 10:30. Yes, yes, I know, it's still lame that I'm blogging on a Friday night at 10:00, but at least I'm awake, this is progress! :)

Good night all you Bloggerlanders. I'll leave you with a few photos!

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Barb said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile now . . .and finally got the nerve to leave a comment. She's so beautiful! And it sounds like she has found an amazing forever home. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts (I especially loved the post about transition) - they are particulary significant for me, as we too are the parents of 3 boys in the processing of adopting a little girl (currently between trips 1 & 2). Thanks again and God bless!

Lindsay said...

Glad things are going well. She sure is a little beauty. I still - after 6 months - have issues with Hannah's hair and face being washed. And for the longest time she didn't tolerate any skin contact; maybe this is what Meg doesn't like?

Best wishes.

Nicole said...

I love to hear about all of the positive progress Meg is making as the newest Harrison! When we get all of the girls home we need to plan a girls only weekend!Sorry boy's!

AdoptaMama said...
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AdoptaMama said...

Another one here who's been reading for a while but never commented. Your daughter is beautiful and it sounds like her transition is going well. I'm very happy for your family.

I must admit I was a little concerned about your comments about Meg's reluctance (fear?) of not wearing clothes and it raised a red flag with me regarding her past. Obviously I know nothing about her former life, and I don't want to alarm you, but your description of her behavior did sort of jump out at me as something you might want to have checked out by a professional. This does not sound like typical "girl" behavior to me.

I was looking for an e-mail address to send this privately, so as not to publish it in your comments, but could not find one on your site.


I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?