Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Shhhhhhh... do you hear that?

Wow, I do! Quiet! I should call Katrina today because there is NO noise at my house! :) Katrina (at CSS) says she always knows its me on the phone before I say a word because of the noise in the background. What, Katrina, you don't recognize that sound? It's the loud din of happy, growing boys... fighting! Anyway, the reason you wouldn't hear it today is that my kiddos have all gone off to Maggie's (grandma) house and Brian and I have THREE DAYS sans kiddos. So, what am I doing with my time? Well, this morning I am reading a bunch of blogs because my husband had the NERVE to call me at 7:15 and tell me he forgot to put the trash out before he left.... ARGH! And I wanted to see if anyone is getting any happy news on their adoption. It turns out that some folks are traveling, some are getting referrals, and some are in Russia right now bringing their babies home. YAY! But some are waiting for the world's slowest government agency (CIS) to do their JOB, and some are like me... waiting and waiting with no particular issue, just waiting. But, ahhhh, the sound of silence. :)

So, it's pouring down rain here and I have two wet dogs in my garage. I hope it stops because later today when I finish painting M & M's dresser the dogs are getting kicked out one way or the other. But that's AFTER Brian and I get a couple's massage. I've never done that before, but I am so excited... I can feel the stress melting away already. I mean, I've had a massage, but not a "couples massage" so it should be fun. Then we are going to breakfast, then I am going to attempt to finish M's room. I can't wait to get it done so I can just admire it... no really, I want to get it done so I can actually focus on keeping my house a little cleaner, sewing more clothes for her, and basically doing anything else other than thinking of what to do next in her room. One thing I might do is read more blogs! :)

1 comment:

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Your little girl's room is absolutely beautiful. That couples massage sounds oh so nice too!

I'll be praying for great news about your dossier next week. Happy Easter! Kim

I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?