Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The storm before the calm

I know it came backward, but there was a total storm of activity and emotion. The storm seems to be making it's way off to some other place now and the skies are starting to clear a bit. Today when my husband agreed to take the Aeroflot debacle off my hands, I felt the tension just ease away. Seriously, can NOTHING work the way it should? I went through the booking process on the Aeroflot web-site about four times and they never took my reservation and every time I went back through, the flight I had selected previously was sold out. PLUS, the flights started around $47/person/leg and we ended up paying around $200 because 1. they went up every day and every time I logged in and 2. the taxes were actually MORE than the flights. UGH! But it's done now, thanks DH!

I'm lucky not to be heading to St. Petersburg in crutches. I am sure glad there was no one here to see the little show I just put on in the kitchen... I heard the pot of water I had put on the stove start to boil over, so I RUN into the kitchen to catch it... on the way I hit a puddle of water left by Connor's wet swim trunks and BAM I hit the floor in about two seconds flat. I think I will have a VERY nasty bruise on my right hip by tomorrow, my right wrist is probably a little strained and now I have a massive headache. Too bad no one was here because if you're going to provide that kind of comic opportunity, someone needs to be around to laugh at it. I know my mom will be sorry she missed it, she is notorious for laughing anytime anyone gets injured in her presence! We used to joke with her about it, but now I notice it's a habit I've carried over to my kids, there's just something really funny about someone falling. Ask my friend, Amie's mom about how that feels, I think she's still holding a grudge for the time Amie laughed at her for falling and flinging her purse halfway across the parking lot... but I diverge!

Last night I went over the my friend Kendra's house. Amie met us over there and we had a big massive clothes swap. I have the oldest boys, so I hand down my stuff to Kendra, and then she hands it down to Amie (not that alot of my stuff is worth handing out after it's been through three boys.) Then Amie has the oldest girls, so her stuff goes to Kendra and then to me. Then of course, Kendra has some of her own new stuff that she passes to both of us. So it was a massive swap. I was the biggest beneficiary last night because I got two huge totes of clothing that was HEAPED to the point where I couldn't put the lids on. The girl will not be wearing anything twice for the rest of the summer, that's for sure. I think I might actually get to buy a few things for winter, but summer is definitely going to be a fun fashion show! :)

Okay, off to check a few more things off the to-do list and hang out with my little fellows for the afternoon. I'll keep you posted, but the real thing that is still hanging over our head is the visas. I have mailed the applications, but I am terrified that I have not filled out the air bill correctly or something like that and we won't get them by Tuesday. On that note, I'm off to check the tracking number to make sure it's arrived in NY.

Mark 6:56
"Wherever He entered villages, or cities, or countryside, they were laying the sick in the market places, and imploring Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were being cured."

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