Look how long it's been since our little princess got her forever family:

Monday, April 21, 2008

AAACCCKKK! I hate paperwork!

Ugh, I knew something would go wrong. See, Thomas was right! :( I forgot to sign the money order to the Russian consulate, so I will be seeing my favorite friend again today... otherwise known as the FedEx man. I'm getting really sick of him since it seems to be that I am never on the receiving end of the FedEx circle. So, I'm off AGAIN to get another money order (how does that work when you get a second money order, doesn't that charge you double????) and try to get it right this time and hope they put it with the right documents at the consulate.... GRRRRR. (I hope you heard pit bull growling there, not Chihuahua.)

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I see you looking!

Where in the world are you?